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Ulus Modern Architectural Design

Ulus Modern Culture and Art Centre National Architectural Project Competition




2 Months

Collaboration with

Project Type

Architectural Competition

Architectural Design · Urban Design · Diagram Design ·


We participated in this urban design and architectural competition with a small team. Over a span of approximately 2 months, we brought a unique architectural solution to the project area through our designs. 

The competition, titled "Ulus Modern," is part of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality's "Yarışmayla Ankara" program. It aims to build a "Culture and Art Center" in the historic center of Ulus, Ankara, on the site of the demolished Modern Çarşı. The location is adjacent to various historical structures and the urban fabric of Ulus. The goal is to create a contemporary and high-quality structure that can host cultural and artistic activities, diversify the user profile, and serve as a focal point for the city, making Ulus a vibrant social and cultural center once again.

Physical Model

Presentation Boards

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